Our monthly meeting will be held virtually via Google Meets and in-person.
via Google Meets at https://meet.google.com/ayg-yptr-nif
or dial: +1 617 675-4444; PIN: 570 457 584 4215#.
or in-person, come to Alma’s Garden in the parking lot between S Ann and Regester (enter through the gate on E Pratt). Bring your own chair, beverage and sunscreen and social distance at least 6’ (masks are optional). In case of inclement weather, we will only meet virtually.
Introductions and welcoming of new attendees
Guest speakers*: Mallory Kuehn, UFPIA Beautification Chair and Shahin Batmanglich, 1900 E Pratt LLC
Officer Reports
Possible votes**
Committee Reports
50/50 cash raffle***
New and unfinished business and open forum
*Guest speakers: Mallory will discuss new beautification initiatives and projects that will be maintained/expanded; and Mr. Batmanglich, will give an update on his rehab proposal for 1900 E Pratt.
**Possible votes: 1) To modify our meeting attendance requirement to include Association-sponsored events/activities for obtaining voting privileges. For the full proposal, click here. 2) After discussion of the 1900 E Pratt project there may be a vote on the proposed project plans.
***Our 50/50 cash raffle is back so be sure to bring some cash! Raffle tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5 - the amount of money collected is split between the winner and the UFPIA. The drawing is held at the end of the meeting; you must be present to win (cash only); proceeds go to the UFPIA’s general fund.
The Community meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm and runs from 1 to 1-1/2 hours depending on discussions. Join us!
To be eligible to vote at a meeting, you must have paid your membership dues for 2021, be age 18+, live in our boundaries, and have attended at least 2 of the last preceding 11 meetings.