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June 2021 Community Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our monthly meeting will be held virtually (not in-person) via Zoom.

(Note: ​The link includes the password embedded in it so you don’t need a meeting ID#.)


·Introductions and welcoming of new attendees

·Online attendance form*

·Officer reports

·Guest speaker: Kurt Schiller, Traffic & Parking Committee**

·Committee Reports

·New and unfinished business and open forum

*Attendees will need to complete the brief online attendance form (posted in the Zoom chat during our community meetings) so we can ensure that everyone has been included.

**The Traffic & Parking (T&P) Committee will present the results of their survey on Art in the Right of Way process for traffic calming. There may be a vote to support the T&P Committee’s continued exploration of using Art in the Right of Way.

·Committee Reports

·New and unfinished business and open forum

  The Community meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm and runs from 1 to 1-1/2 hours depending on discussions. Join us! (Our meetings are recorded and the link is posted on our website under the news tab.)

 To be eligible to vote at a meeting, you must have paid your membership dues for 2021, be age 18+, live in our boundaries, and have attended at least 2 of the last preceding 11 meetings.