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November 2021 Community Meeting

Our monthly meeting will be held virtually via Google Meets.

or dial: ‪(US) +1 617-675-4444‬; PIN: ‪301 478 509 9152#


  • Introductions and welcoming of new attendees

  • Guest speaker*: Baltimore City Inspector General, Isabel Mercedes Cumming

  • Committee Reports

  • New and unfinished business and open forum

    *Guest speaker: Inspector Cumming will give an update on her investigations as well as information on how you can report financial fraud, waste and abuse. She also is creating a citizens’ advisory board and will be inviting community members to volunteer for this service. (Note: The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigates allegations of misconduct by Baltimore City employees and contractors and works to improve Baltimore. So far this year, she and her staff have identified more than $7 million in savings or waste.) (Data from the Baltimore City website.)

The Community  meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm and runs from 1 to 1-1/2 hours depending on discussions. Join us!

To be eligible to vote at a meeting, you must have paid your membership dues for 2021, be age 18+, live in our boundaries, and have attended at least 2 of the last preceding 11 meetings and/or attended Association sponsored events/activities; see our Meeting & Voting Regulations for more details.

Earlier Event: November 6
Community Cleanup and Dumpster Day
Later Event: November 20
Cleanup and Mulching Leaves