April 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to secretary@upperfellspoint.org.

Virtual Meeting


Guest Speakers

1) Chukwukpee ("chew - COO - pay") Nzegwu with Friends of Patterson Park (FPP) discussed upcoming events and programs.

2) John Becher, UFPIA Election Judge, presented the slate of candidates running for office and took nominations from the floor.

3) Liz Bement, UFP resident, gave an update on the BGE regulators and discussed a petition by the Fells Point Residents Association (FPRA) to stop work. The petition in place does not necessarily support our neighborhood because it does not discuss the retroactive portion. The City Council’s stance is that they are hoping that BGE will take care of things equitably. She will talk to Kate Simms (FPRA) about adding something about the regulators already installed.


1) Motion 1: To send a letter to the BGE Project Manager with elected officials in copy to point out concerns with BGE striping only half crosswalks where they are re-paving. The practice is careless and unsafe.  We ask that common sense prevail in this matter, and that BGE authorize their contractor to fully stripe all intersections where road work was performed.  Vote by Acclamation; motion passed.

2) Motion 2: To spend up to $200 to purchase pizza for the May elections meeting. Vote by Acclamation; motion passed.

Officer Reports

Vice President: Wendy Bozel

  • Billie Holiday Bebop Dinner - June, 17th

    • Volunteers and a few hosts still needed

    • Contact vicepresident@upperfellspoint.org

  • May 11th: Meeting with neighborhood (businesses & residents) to discuss security cameras

    • Survey for safety cameras

    • Wants to obtain as much input from neighborhood as possible

    • Survey will be in English and Spanish

    • Lighting Requests to safety@upperfellspoint.org

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—beautification@upperfellspoint.org

  • Saturday cleanups: April 22nd & May 13th

  • Monday cleanup: April 24th; Social at Benders

  • Dumpster Day: June 17th

  • Still waiting on 8 trees

  • Beautification Meeting: Monday, May 1st. Mark Hoffmann’s deck (1921 E Pratt) or rain location at Mallory’s house (1931 E Pratt)

  • More information email beautification@upperfellspoint.org

Community Garden

Jan Mooney - communitygarden@upperfellspoint.org

  • No news


George Croom — education@upperfellspoint.org

  • Commodore John Rogers School is having a meeting on April 20th to discuss replacing the current school and increasing capacity and adding a playground.


Mark Hoffmann - landuse@upperfellspoint.org

  • There are no appeals for May.

  • LU Committee meet on April 10th. Working on developing scorecard guidelines for evaluating proposals.

    • Next meeting on May 8 at 7pm at the Julie Community Center.

Safety (sub-committee)

Chris Moad safety@upperfellspoint.org

  • No news


Jan Mooney - newsletter@upperfellspoint.org

  • A newsletter carrier is needed for the Gough route as Bryan D. has resigned (congrats on his new baby girl!). Jamie volunteered to take over the route and Amy will be an alternate.

  • If you are having packages delivered to Pratt Liquors, please pick them up within 1-2 days after delivery as there are hundreds of packages overflowing in the back of the store and some have been there since December. Also, be sure to buy something from the store occasionally too as the package service is a great asset for the community.

  • Deadline for June newsletter - May 28th at 5pm

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller - trafficparking@upperfellspoint.org

  • Residents of lower Fell’s Point are expanding residential permit parking in the lower Fell’s Point area, which will remove blocks of potential parking for UFP residents. Voice your concerns or help work on an interest poll (pro or con) contact Kurt at traffic@upperfellspoint.org.

  • Updates on ROW Art: Once BGE is finished, we will be able to begin work shortly afterwards.

  • Bikeway meeting at Wolfe St. Academy 4/20

New Business

  • Kate Grabowski, UFP resident, gave an update on sidewalk damage from past BGE electrtic and gas line work. Ethan (Councilman Cohen’s office) documented and created a spreadsheet with UFP showing the worst areas and is requesting that BGE do a “goodwill fix”.

  • Beth Russo, UFP resident, stated that there continues to be graffiti on the side of the building at East Baltimore Car Service (Gough). She is looking for grant information or help in fundraising for a mural.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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