April 2020 Community Meeting Recap

Over 30 people joined in for our first ever virtual community meeting! It was held over Cisco Webex—thanks to Brian for organizing!

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here.

Guest speakers

Nate Pretl, consultant, and Drew Peace, Chasen Enterprises, gave an update on several properties.

  1. 421-431 S Broadway will become a 4-5 story mixed-use building with apartments and retail (5th story will be set back). It will include 19 off-street parking spots with vehicle access via Griffin Ct. Monthly rates on one bedroom will be $1,500 and two bedrooms at $1,900. The mural is on an 18’ lot that was not purchased so will remain for now. UFPIA attendees brought up concerns of trash dumping. The plans are available here.

  2. 500 S Broadway—C-1 zoning (commercial) was approved and will be presented to the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP) in the summer.

  3. 260 S Durham (single family dwelling)—It has been over a year since zoning was approved.

  4. 509 S Washington—CHAP approved the final design.

  5. 1924-28 E Pratt—Owners are working on obtaining additional financing and property is under valid/extended zoning approval.


Liz Bement won the vote for president (Y-25; No-0; A-0) and will take office immediately.

Committee reports


  1. Umaganda clean-ups—The first event was held on April 11th and will continue on a regular basis. Volunteers will be required to keep at least 6’ apart and wear face masks.

  2. Billie Holiday/Lady Day Way (200 block of S Durham)—A grant proposal was submitted to obtain street lighting and signage.

  3. Tree pits—A letter of intent regarding making mosaic medallions for several tree pits with local artist Cinder Hypki was submitted; we were invited to submit a full proposal when funds are available.

  4. Regester St. planters—Several plants are in bloom and volunteers will be sprucing up some of the planters.


  1. Blank note cards with artwork by Wolfe St. Academy (WSA) students are for sale at 5 cards for $10. Contact Mollie at education@upperfellspoint.org to purchase.

  2. A few families are in need of food or have mobility issues. Food donations can be dropped off at 232 S Chapel on Thursday afternoons between 12-2pm.


No social activities are currently being planned due to the COVID-19 mandates but discussion is underway for an online auction; if you have any ideas, contact Tasha at fundraising@upperfellpsoint.org.

Land Use

  1. The Liquor Board canceled meetings for April and extended the deadlines for filing and protest. Canéla’s was included in the delay and they are still waiting on their hearing.

  2. 1747 E Lombard (old Lombard Hardware)—The owner is planning to renovate the property into three apartments.


  1. The new UFPIA website was launched; thanks to Ali for all of his hard work. Contact him with any comments (pros and cons) at website@upperfellspoint.org.

  2. There was no printed newsletter for April; reminder to help support our sponsors and other local businesses.


  1. Café lights were installed on Bank St.

  2. Planning for National Night Out will begin soon.

Other updates

  1. Trash dumping at Regester/Pratt has become a problem since bulk pick-up is closed.

  2. Reminder to complete your census.

  3. Angie’s Seafood donated all of their excess food supply last month to neighborhood families in need.

Click here to see the full meeting notes.

Missed the meeting? Click here to download past meeting podcasts.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must be a paid member.

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