August 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to

Hybrid Meeting


Guest Speakers

1) Wendy Bozel, UFPIA President, lead the discussion on safety camera options under the $50K Safety Grant. Concerns expressed were lack of confidence in the Baltimore Police Dept., felt it was unrealistic to expect the cameras to prevent crime, or had suspicions about why the cameras are being subsidized by the State, to name a few. There also was discussion about locations as to where the cameras would be installed (Safety Committee would propose the locations at a future meeting). It also was stated that the cameras might not be a deterrent but could help solve crimes. A few stated that they felt there was not enough discussion before applying for the grant (Grant submission was fast because it was a 2-week timeline to submit). (For the Surveillance Camera Fact Sheet, click here. Also, see vote 1 below).

2) Mark Hoffmann, UFPIA Land-Use Committee Chair, briefly outlined the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sweet Carolina Liquors (309 S Broadway) and stated that if approved by the UFPIA, it would be attached to Sweet Carolina’s liquor license. (The Land-Use Committee would monitor their compliance.) - Sweet Carolina MOU Draft. Mr. Cole, contractor and engineer for Sweet Carolina, gave a brief presentation about the remodel plans too. See Vote 2 below.


Vote 1: Motion to purchase Verkada cameras for public safety implementation. Details of the process for installation and management of cameras will be contingent upon later Association approval; motion passed (Y-29; N-11 and A-3). 

Vote 2: To endorse the MOU presented by the Land-Use Committee regarding Sweet Carolina Liquors on S Broadway; motion passed (Y-25; N-7; A-9) (Note: The MOU will need to be reviewed by an attorney before moving forward.)

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—

  • Cleanup/Dumpster Day - 8/26 9am

  • Community Cleanup/Social: 8/28 6pm 

    • Followed by social time at Ministry of Brewing

    • Meet at 6pm at 1931 E Pratt (Mallory’s garage)

  • Cleanup/Social  - Sept. 25th 6pm (Social location TBA)

Community Garden

Jan Mooney -

  • Honey Happy Hour was a great success - beautiful day and great turnout; raised $586; thanks to everyone who attended

  • Have raw, local honey for sale ($15/jar) - contact Jan

  • Next event is Oktoberfest - Oct. 14th from 4-7pm; will have beer, cider, wine, Ostrowski’s sausage, vegetarian options; a raffle too.

  • There were a few questions about UFPIA’s role with the garden (contact Jan if you have any questions). Also, the UFPIA will consider discussing this further in a future meeting.


Vacant —

  • Need a chair as George has stepped down since he and his family are moving out of the neighborhood.


Lisa Knickmeyer -

  • Considering having the Progressive Dinner in February next year.

  • If you have any ideas for fundraising, contact Lisa.


Mark Hoffmann -

  • See info under guest speakers/votes above.

Safety (sub-committee)

Dan Harrison —

  • Dan Harrison will replace Chris Moad as chair.


Jan Mooney -

  • Need a carrier for the Lombard route (S Washington to S Broadway) - about 60 newsletters - Nancy Hoffmann volunteered.

  • The deadline for the Sept. newsletter is Sept. 3rd at 5pm.

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller -

  • RowArt project has been delayed due to needing a new striping contractor.

    • Was supposed to begin next week but will likely be in a few weeks.

    • Additional $1,000 was quoted but have checked the budget and should be able to fund the difference.

  • Street closures on 9/3 (Broadway, Fleet, and Baltimore) due to MD Classic Bike Race

New Business

  • Glen Middleton, Jr., Neighborhood Liaison from the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods, is available to discuss illegal dumping and other issues in the 1st district (call 311 first, get confirm # and then contact him)

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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