February 2022 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to Lynnie at secretary@upperfellspoint.org.

Hybrid Meeting

Thanks to the Ministry of Brewing for hosting our hybrid format and to Tom Koerber for his technological help. And thanks to everyone for their patience with sound issues.

Guest Speaker

Edgemont Builders (200 S Broadway)

  • Plan to convert building to 14 apartments (9 one bedroom and 6 two bedroom at a potential rent of $1,250 and $1,750).

  • Working with the City to try to obtain the adjacent lot which is part of the Perkins revitalization project. If obtained, would add 12 parking spaces; if not obtained, there would be no off-site parking.

  • If permits, etc. are approved in a timely manner, hope to start construction in June-August.

  • Note: This property is not located inside the boundaries of the UFPIA or Washington Hill Association but both organizations are immediate neighbors for this anchor property; Perkins Homes Association is not active at this time.

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—beautification@upperfellspoint.org

  • Tree pruning, clean-ups: dates will be added to the UFPIA calendar.

  • Working to educate residents that sidewalks are part of your house and to keep that area clean.

  • Plant sale - Planning a plant sale; dates coming soon. 

  • Committee meeting will be held soon and posted on the on the calendar.

  • Dumpster Days for 2022: March 26, May 21, August 27, November 5.


Lisa Knickmeyer-  ad hoc committee

  • Collected 130 unwanted recycling carts on Feb. 6th. 

  • Next collection will be on Feb. 27th. from 2-4pm at the parking lot on E Pratt & Regester (1700 block of E Pratt). Will then arrange for DPW to pick them up from a central location. Volunteers are needed to help move bins to the collection site.

  • Partnered with Fells Prospect to send out flyers about housing code violation if carts are left on the sidewalk between collection dates. 

  • There will be a raffle for a planter.


George Croom — education@upperfellspoint.org

  • Volunteers are needed for tutoring at Wolfe Street Academy.

  • Committee is working with Wolfe Street Academy to assist with Wi-Fi hot spots for students (currently they need $1,800/month for hot spots).


Mark Hoffmann - landuse@upperfellspoint.org

  • 1723 E Lombard - A Zoom meeting was held with Mike Azimi (developer) and Adam Carballo (architect).

    • The plan is to renovate the basement and first floor into a carry-out deli and convert the upper floors to a two-bedroom apartment. The exterior will be renovated to CHAP guidelines in keeping with historical standards. The project is on the BMZA docket for a hearing on February 22nd (Appeal #2021-323).

  • 501 to 507 S Broadway - The developer is working on an MOU regarding the operation of an expansion of Bristol Liquors.

    • They will eventually request UFP community support for their project. A presentation and discussion may be available for our next meeting.

  • 407 S Broadway - A notice was received pending BMZA appeal #2022-00102. The appeal is on the docket for the BMZA March 22nd meeting.

    • The proposal is to convert the vacant retail space at 407 S Broadway to a hookah lounge.

    • Proposed hours of operation are Thursday through Sunday 4pm to 4am. Occupancy is listed as 440 people with live and DJ music, and dancing.

    • Limited information about parking, noise control and security were submitted.

    • There has been some community concern expressed about this project.

    • It was noted on their application that there are no residential properties within 2 miles.

    • More information is on the BMZA website search for appeal #2022-00102.

    • If you have concerns or positive comments, please email landuse@upperfellspoint.org. Since the next UFPIA meeting will be held on March 21st, it would be helpful to have a discussion and vote on either a letter of support or disapproval of this project at that meeting.

  • The next Land-Use Committee meeting will be on March 9th at 7pm. The location will be announced later.


Jan Mooney - newsletter@upperfellspoint.org

  • We obtained a new printer for the newsletter which will save over $1,000/yr. in printing costs.

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller - trafficparking@upperfellspoint.org

  • Have applied for the Johns Hopkins Neighborhood Grant in hopes of offsetting costs for traffic calming measures at E Pratt/S Ann, S Washington/E Pratt, and S Wolfe/Gough.

  • Matt Hendrickson, Lead Bike Planner, verbally stated they are leaning towards a dual bike lane on Washington with traffic calming on Wolfe instead of our suggested Wolfe and Washington single lanes; should have more details by April.


  • The Treasurer presented the proposed UFPIA budget for 2022. Motion: To approve the proposed budget; motion passed (Y-34; N-2). (To view the approved budget, click here.)

  • Vote - Motion to record our meetings; Motion passed (Y-22; N-3).

  • Vote - Motion to support the proposal for 200 S. Broadway  

    • Motioned and seconded; however, the President did not hold a vote because of 7 minutes remaining. This topic will be discussed further with a possible vote for support or not at our March meeting. (Note: The developer stated that March was fine.)

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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