January 2020 Community Meeting Recap
Guest speakers
There was no guest speaker; instead attendees gathered in small groups to brain-storm priorities for 2020 and enjoyed eating food from various restaurants in the neighborhood. Thanks to everyone who attended and for the yummy food provided by UFPIA: Happy Hour Heaven, El Taquito, Tandav Indian Cuisine, and Water for Chocolate. Also thanks to our set-up/clean-up volunteers: Alicia, Barb, Beth, Jan, John, Kurt, Lisa, Mollie and anyone else we missed. Some of the priorities from our brainstorming sessions are:
Properly secure recycling items, outreach to busi-ness owners to reduce litter, and provide composting.
Possible events to include a garden tour, kid/family event, block party, or car/dog wash.
Land Use
Determine if we want the historic CHAP designation or not and update the current land-use guidelines.
Launch our new website and link social media, and enhance e-blasts.
Make National Night Out a single location event; establish security camera registration and streetscape lighting, and hold stoop sits.
Committee reports
If someone wants to start a new subcommittee that would work on just youth, it would be appreciated. Contact Mollie at education@upperfellspoint.org if interested.
The committee is restructuring to include a social committee to allow for more social events with a fund-raising component. If interested contact Tasha at fundraising@upperfellspoint.org.
Traffic & Parking
A motion was made to vote on conducting a traffic calming study on the 200 block of S Chapel. This vote will be taken at our Feb. meeting.
The traffic light at the corner of S Washington and Bank is now active; the flex posts have been removed.
Click here to see the full meeting notes.
Missed the meeting? Click here to download past meeting podcasts.
To vote on issues at a meeting, you must be a paid member.