January 2021 Community Meeting Recap

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here.

Guest Speaker

The Neighborhood Design Center discussed creating cohesiveness to Lady Day Way (200 block S Durham).

Responses to survey from neighbors: focus on music, resilience, gardenias, more visible plaques, tours, more murals, include voice of artists today, add a museum, traffic calming, greenery, focus on life in Baltimore, add parklets and dog parklet.

Visit https://padlet.com/nstarego/mtpabwmhue30tdpl to add your comments and ideas. Responses will be accepted until 1/27.

The Neighborhood Design Center will present design development at our February meeting (begin grant process 3/21 and by 4/21 submit full grant proposal).

Committee Reports

The committees each presented achievements for 2020 and goals for 2021. To volunteer, contact the committee chair.


Lisa Knickmeyer—beautification@upperfellspoint.org

2020: Held 15 cleanups, installed 15 tree bumpers, provided recycling dumpsters, and enlarged/added mulch to tree pits.

2021: Install mosaic medallions in tree pits, distribute recycling cans/stickers, cleanups, 4 dumpster days and provide education on trash disposal.


Jan Mooney—newsletter@upperfellspoint.org

2020: Distributed newsletter, updated website and enhanced e-blasts.

2021: Continue newsletter distribution, keep social media up-to-date, send e-blasts and increase number sponsor ads.


Mollie Fein—education@upperfellspoint.org

2020: Sold note cards and held fund-raiser for WSA art teacher.

2021: Rebuild library, obtain book grants, offer tutoring, re-establish existing projects (Larry Nunley suggested contacting Library of Congress for books).


Currently Vacant

2020: Held online auction, virtual mixology classes and virtual Garden Ramble tour.

2021: Pascal Patin to head up the Progressive Dinner, and Tom Koerber/Aaron Tomarchio to assist with that and host another virtual mixology class. For other ideas contact Liz at president@upperfellspoint.org.


Jeff May—landuse@upperfellspoint.org

2020: Paused the review of land-use guidelines.

2021: Revitalize S Broadway, pursue grant, and develop master plan.


Matt Barnes—safety@upperfellspoint.org

2020: National Night Out, added cafe lights and developed security camera database.

2021: National Night Out, add cafe lights and add more security cameras to database.

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller—trafficparking@upperfellspoint.org

2020: Slow Streets and a traffic signal at S Washington and Bank was added.

2021: Bike feasibility study, add traffic calming on alley streets and art under foot (colorful painted crosswalks, sharrows, etc.).

New Business

  • Clay Hill Public Charter School - Emily Augustine - 6400 E Pratt St.; enrollment now open; more at https://www.pppcs.org/chpcs

  • Brian Seel seeking support for celebration of Ceasefire weekend next month to keep our neighborhood engaged with a movement to stamp out racism and partner with our neighboring communities to form a more cohesive city. More at https://baltimoreceasefire.com/

  • For our February meeting:

    • Matt Henderson from DOT to discuss bike lane/traffic calming on S Wolfe and S Washington.

    • Discussion and vote on 2021 proposed UFPIA annual budget.

    • NDC to present design.

  • Election judge to be nominated in March for UFPIA May officer elections.

  • UFPIA Officer elections to be held in May.

  • Recycling curbside pickup started this week!

Click here to see the full meeting notes.

Missed the meeting? Click here to download past meeting podcasts or download them wherever you get your podcasts.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must be a paid member.

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