July 2024 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to secretary@upperfellspoint.org.

Hybrid Meeting


Guest Speaker

Laura Malkus, President of the Fells Point Corner Theatre, gave a brief history and also stated that classes and programs for kids are available. The new season starts in Sept. Tickets are $25

  • Flex Pass: Buy 4 tickets to be used at any time

  • Provide free previews to invite anyone unable to buy tickets

See their website for more info at https://www.fpct.org or contact Laura at president@fcpt.org.



Motion: Send a letter to City Council supporting four proposed solutions to illegal dumping by residents and businesses. Solutions are to: 1) reach out to Council members and agencies for routine Saturday and Sunday cleanup; 2) add signs to corner litter cans to explain permitted use in English and Spanish; 3) enforce dumping violations; and 4) provide single page flyers for residential and business dumping and distribute to neighborhoods. Motion passed by acclamation.

Officer Reports

  • The Treasurer’s report was given.

  • Results still not received on the grants, but hopefully next month. (The UFPIA submitted three grant applications for $250,000 for traffic calming, tree bed fencing, UFPIA street signs, storm drain art, after school programming at Wolfe St. Academy, lighting/camera maintenance, bicycle maintenance stations and emergency services training.)

  • DPW water main work

    • Information available on Facebook group

    • Amy to send information via email

    • DPW will be doing water main work in the neighborhood 

    • Request to ask if they will clear sidewalks


Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn - beautification@upperfellspoint.org

  • Eliza will be leading the weeknight cleanups and Mallory will continue the monthly Sat. cleanups.

  • Reminder to water a street tree near you when there is no rain.

Community Garden

Jan Mooney - communitygarden@upperfellspoint.org

  • July 27th: Univ. of MD Master Gardeners garden bicycle tour from 8am-Noon; 10 miles to 10 gardens; the UFP garden is one of the stops.

  • August 17th: Honey Happy Hour 4-6pm

    • Celebrate National Honey Bee Day. There will be honey for sale, light snacks, mead, wine and other beverages available by donation. Also, a raffle (tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5) so bring some cash (we will have Venmo too). There will be a guest speaker around 5pm. Kids welcome with an adult; however, no pets or smoking.


Latonya Watson - education@upperfellspoint.org

Events for children and families:


Lisa Knickmeyer - fundraising@upperfellspoint.org

  • Progressive Dinner – Set for November 9th

    • Need hosts (Tapas and Dessert)

    • Host 10-18 people in home for tapas

    • Dessert shared with everyone gathered at one location

    • Contact Lisa fundraising@upperfellspoint.org to host or reserve tickets 

    • $50/p to attend (includes 3 courses and beverages)


Mark Hoffmann - landuse@upperfellspoint.org

  • No zoning updates

  • Progress with MOU enforcement at Sweet Carolina Liquors

  • Wire Removal Survey: Due date for those involved to send feedback on survey to Tyla by July 29th 

  • Broadway Corridor

    • Purpose to create more pleasant throughway between Fell’s Point (Eastern Ave) and Johns Hopkins Hospital

    • Raised medians, green space, trees were provided

    • Looking for support from neighborhood organizations to cleanup the corridor 

    • See Vote section above

Safety (sub-committee)

Dan Harrison - safety@upperfellspoint.org

  • All grant funds have been spent. Replacement bulbs are available and camera installations are being finalized.

  • One of the installed safety cameras was used to capture a break-in.

  • National Night Out - August 6th (moved to August 13th due to severe weather predictions for the 6th)


Jan Mooney - newsletter@upperfellspoint.org

  • Spa Adagio and Canton Kayak Club are continuing their specials

  • Please support our sponsors, who support us

  • It’s National ice cream month - be sure to have some!

  • Deadline for the August newsletter is Aug. 4th at 5pm.

Traffic & Parking

Parker Bratton - trafficparking@upperfellspoint.org

  • No news

New Business

  • Ballot initiative from Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition; more at https://moretransitequity.com/petition-campaign.

  • 18 planters have been moved to new locations (mostly from Regester St.)

  • Petition to protect Baltimore City Parks; more at https://www.protectbaltimoreparks.org. You must sign your name as it appears on your voter registration for it to be valid.

Meeting adjourned; social at Benders Tavern.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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