June 2020 Community Meeting Recap

At least 40 people joined in for our third virtual community meeting (via Zoom).

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here.


Discussed whether or not to include electronic delivery for notice of meetings. Motion: Change our meeting notice policy to include electronic delivery in times when physical delivery is not feasible; motion passed.

Committee reports


  1. Sent letter to owner of 1900 E Pratt to see if interested in having a mural painted.

  2. City has cancelled community dumpsters; looking at alternatives with local hauler.

  3. Monthly Umuganda cleanups and weekly Saturday morning cleanups are continuning.

Community Garden

  1. Farmers’ Market under I-83 is now open; entry on Holliday St. only; must wear a mask; and are encouraging credit card sales.

  2. Garden mural tote bags, UFP drinking glasses, and note cards are available for sale. To purchase, contact Jan at communitygarden@upperfellspoint.org.


Sponsor news: Culinary camp has been cancelled due to covid-19; they are sending refunds.


If you have an idea for a virtual or socially distant event, contact Tasha at fundraising@upperfellspoint.org. We are hoping to have another event at the end of the summer.

Land Use

  1. The pros and cons of whether to pursue becoming an historical (CHAP) district were discussed; however, we ran out of time and will continue the discussion and may request a rep from CHAP to attend a future meeting. Contact Jeff at landuse@upperfellspoint.org with questions or more details.

  2. The Dept. of Planning is reviewing the Zoning Code that was adopted in 2016 (but effective in June 2017). Also, they are seeking suggestions for how city planners can address systemic racial injustice in Baltimore; send suggestions to plan@baltimorecity.gov.


  1. National Night Out has been moved to Oct. 6th; if you would like to help plan this year’s event (which may be virtual), contact Matt at safety@upperfellpsoint.org.

  2. We did not receive the grant for the café lighting initiative.

  3. We are compiling a database of households with security cameras to use when an incidence occurs; contact Matt.

  4. Will discuss the block captains program at the safety task force meeting on June 18th.

Transportation and Traffic & Parking

  1. Looking for feedback for an official ask to Dept. of Transportation for traffic calming on S Wolfe and S Washington.

  2. Exploring parklets (i.e., public seating platforms that convert curbside parking spaces into community spaces such as seating for outside dining); permit would be temporary through October and would be specifically for our local businesses, such as Henninger’s Tavern; it is already being looked at for Fell’s Point. More info at: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ada47e27dc7e4e4ba9504b86d98f549b.

  3. Researching support for Slow Streets for Gough and Bank (i.e., streets with barriers to discourage through traffic but still allow cars to go through for local traffic/parking).

  4. Survey (available here) will be distributed via e-blast and door-to-door to get community feedback.

New Business

  1. MD State Senate President Bill Ferguson gave legislative updates. Contact him with any questions at bill.ferguson@senate.state.md.us.

  2. Matt Achhammer, Community Liaison for the Liquor Board; submit complaints through 311 for inspectors or 911 for Baltimore Police issues and matters of immediate threat to public safety. You can also contact Matt directly at matt.achhammer@baltimorecity.gov or 410-241-6525.

Click here to see the full meeting notes.

Missed the meeting? Click here to download past meeting podcasts or download them wherever you get your podcasts.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must be a paid member.

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