March 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to Lynnie at

Virtual Meeting


Guest Speakers

  • 1) Zenata White-Holmes from the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC), stated that they are advocating for completion of the Red Line Light Rail and a Baltimore Regional Transit Authority (instead of the current Transit which is under the State) to bring equitable and reliable transportation to everyone. To have the City Charter amended for this, they need at least 20,000 signatures to get this issue on the 2024 election ballot. More at (Note: You must send a signed paper form to BTEC, 429 N Eutaw St. #2N, Baltimore, MD 21201).

  • 2) Kate Simms, President Fell's Point Residents Association, stated that there are safer alternatives than the regulators that were installed by BGE. She recommended contacting the Public Service Commission to file a complaint (individual complaints have a greater impact than a group letter); more at  (Note: The Flowers Branch Act only applies to multi-use residents. BGE will not install a vertical riser in soil or inside a home if there is no basement. Road and sidewalk work is separate from gas lines connecting to your home.)


Motion 1: To send a letter with FPCA and Washington Hill to BGE requesting an emergency meeting to stop work on regulator installation until BGE addresses the residents’ concerns on the regulators. Motion passed (Y-25; No-5; A-3).

Motion 2: To support the presented Memorandum of Understanding on the UFPIA’s ROWArt project; motion passed unanimously. (Note: Approval will then be by the Board of Estimates; they meet twice a month.)

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—

  • New trees will be coming, but no details as to when.

  • Dumpster Day is March 25th.

Community Garden

Jan Mooney -

  • Walkway repairs are under way.


George Croom —

  • No news


Mark Hoffmann -

  • The Committee is working to create a method to evaluate the desirability of development projects. Voice your issues or needs! Contact Josh Espinoza at

Safety (sub-committee)

Chris Moad

  • Two subcommittees have been formed to work on the safety cameras and café lights for the $80K grant. The first meeting on the cameras will be on April 13th.

  • Please sign-up for one of the subcommittees regarding the $80K grant.


Jan Mooney -

  • If you are having packages delivered to Pratt Liquors, please pick them up within 1-2 days after delivery as there are hundreds of packages overflowing in the back of the store and some have been there since December. Also, be sure to buy something from the store occasionally too as the package service is a great asset for the community.

  • Deadline for April newsletter - April 1st

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller -

  • Residents of lower Fell’s Point have asked to expand residential parking. Voice your concerns (pro or con) to Kurt at (Also, see Motion 2 above.)

  • April 4th at 6pm is a meeting on the Washington/Wolfe Bikeway (at Wolfe St. Academy).

New Business

1) Hadley Robertson will be working with Ethan Hasiuk (Councilman Cohen’s office).

2) Suzanne suggested that members who attend most of our meetings be given a prize.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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