March 2021 Community Meeting Recap

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here.

Guest Speaker

Mark Gaither, Principal of Wolfe Street Academy, discussed return to in-person learning and other school initiatives

  • Blueprint for Maryland’s Future passed by State Legislature

  • Reminder - loading zone on Gough is reserved for drop-off/pickup

  • Donations of supplies, services, and funding are welcome. Contact Principal Mark Gaither

  • Summer school to target work for kids who have struggled with distance learning

  • 91.6% of faculty will be fully vaccinated by end of April.


Tom Koerber was elected as Election Judge for our May officers’ election (Yes-26; No-0; Abstain-0)

Broadway Corridor Coalition

  • Discussion of UFPIA involvement

  • Move that the UPFIA officially recognize the Broadway Corridor Revitalization initiative as a project of interest for the Association, and as such, the Association membership shall designate a designee as an official UPFIA representative to the Broadway Corridor Revitalization coalition. And it be further moved that the designee shall be allotted time during a regular UPFIA meeting to update members on the progress of the Broadway Revitalization Initiative.

  • Discussion to be continued with a possible vote next month.

  • Email Liz at if interested in participating.

  • Next Broadway Corridor meeting: March 23rd at 6:30PM (Note: UFPIA Board meeting moved to March 22nd at 7pm.)

Committee Reports



  • Treasurer’s report


Lisa Knickmeyer—

  • Mosaic tree pit medallion project

    • Installation in April to include wrought iron fencing 

  • Gauging interest in composting

  • Getting mulch from TreeBaltimore for tree beds

Community Garden

Jan Mooney—

  • Spring planting has begun.

  • Reminder - plant flowers high in pollen and nectar for our pollinators and help beautify our neighborhood stoops.


Jan Mooney—

Deadline for the April newsletter is 4/4 at 5pm.


Mollie Fein—

Brief update regarding plans for 2021-22 school year.


  • Chair is vacant

  • If anyone is interested in that or coordinating an event, contact Liz.


Jeff May—

  • Eden Noe requested a letter of support for proposed projects for 205 S. Chapel and 1826 Bank. 

    • Major discussion on plans.

    • A few neighbors voiced concerns (full lot coverage, clearance, etc.)

  • 1900 Eastern - submitting plans to CHAP in next few weeks..

  • Status of 21-0009, Conversions - Support from Baltimore Development Corp.; no objection from Fire, Parking, Transportation


Matt Barnes—

Have eight block liaisons now; if interested, contact Matt.

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller—

  • Wolfe St. Academy is in session - observe the allotted parking spots for drop-off/pickup zone or you may be ticketed

  • Restriping of the 1900 block of Gough when warmer

    • Reverse angled parking will move to south side and parallel parking moves to north side

    • This change will add 2 more parking spaces

  • Complete Streets Manual now available (for walking, biking, vehicles, etc.)

  • Daylighting installation Gough and S Wolfe

    • Traffic calming

New Business

  • Community blood drive in Fells Point on April 27 and 28

    • Admiral Fell Inn

    • Visit Red Cross website for more info; Sponsor Code: fellspointcommunity

  • Community Liaison – Nick Mosby’s Office

Click here to download 2020 and 2019 past meeting podcasts or download them wherever you get your podcasts.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18.

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