May 2023 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to

Virtual Meeting


Guest Speakers

John Becher, UFPIA Election Judge, presented the slate of candidates running for office and took nominations from the floor. Those running:

  • Parliamentarian: Stephen Porter - Looking forward to the opportunity to contribute as Parliamentarian.

  • Treasurer: Nancy Hoffmann - Goal to keep accurate records and has experience as a bookkeeper. Also has had treasurer experience with other organizations.

  • Secretary: Amy Zemanick - Looking forward to devoting time to the neighborhood.

  • Vice President: Ben MIller - Currently working with land-use and traffic & parking committees. Excited for new role. 

  • President: Wendy Bozel - As VP, worked on $80K grant and other events this year; interested in expanding membership.


Vote 1: Officers Election: All five nominees were elected.

 Vote 2: Wolfe Street Academy consideration for UFPIA Meetings

  • Motion: To move meetings to Wolfe Street Academy in hybrid format starting in July.

  • Discussion:

    • Bringing in Community family

    • WSA has all of the equipment needed

    • Would be able to hear better

    • Would support a variety of businesses (social after meeting) 

  • Motion approved unanimously for UFPIA meetings to be held at WSA beginning in July (day TBD)

Officer Reports

Vice President: Wendy Bozel

  • Will have cleanup before the June meeting for Juneteenth (6/19)

  • Billie Holiday Bebop Dinner - June 17th

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—

  • May 22nd - Cleanup/Social - meet at 1931 E Pratt (Mallory’s garage-red doors on S Washington) at 6pm; Social at Spirits afterwards

  • June 17th - Dumpster Day (corner Gough and Ann); 9am-Noon

  • Potted Plants available for $30 donation (pickup Tues or Thurs 7pm at the garden)

  • More information

Community Garden

Jan Mooney -

  • No news


George Croom —

  • No news


Mark Hoffmann -

  • June 12th next Land-Use Meeting

Safety (sub-committee)

Chris Moad


Jan Mooney -

  • Thanks to Jamie for picking up Gough route and thanks to Bryan D. for delivering it over the last few years.

  • Deadline for June newsletter - May 28th at 5pm

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller -

  • Waiting for the Board of Estimates to accept the infrastructure we’ve purchased so we can begin the ROWArt project. 

  • Petition by the Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC) to adopt an amendment to the Baltimore City Charter that will allow for the creation of a Baltimore Regional Transportation Authority.

  • Bike to Work Week! Can Register if you would like a T-Shirt

New Business

  • Lisa K: Troughs (planters) on Regester are now eligible for movement. If they remain neglected, we will be moving them. Mosaic Medallions - if you would like to be a new adoptee of one of those tree beds, please reach out to Mallory at

    • Allison D: Could troughs be used as anchors for some of the lighting poles? 

  • Tyla: Gave updates on Billie Holiday Bebop Dinner (Progressive Dinner). Looking for a few more host houses; tickets are $45 or $10 for just dessert (both include beverages) - tickets at UFPIA's Billie Holiday House Hopping Dinner ( (proceeds to general fund)

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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