May 2024 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to

Hybrid Meeting


Guest Speakers

  • Kenneth Thompson, Lead Monitor Consent Decree Monitoring Team for Baltimore, was unable to attend the May meeting but hopes to speak at our June meeting.

  • Dr. Larry Nunley, Dept. Public Works (DPW) reminded everyone that the federal government is requesting older households to check for lead water pipes and complete the survey if their house is on the list. More at Also, if you have an issue, contact 311 first and then send Dr. Nunley the confirmation number if it has not been resolved and he will follow-up (i.e., trash, illegal dumping, rats, leaking trash trucks, etc.)

    • Attendees mentioned that the City-issued trashcans were too large for sallyports. Dr. Nunley noted that he wasn’t sure if there were more small City trashcans available but suggested calling 311. He also stated that you do not have to use the City trashcans and can use any type of trashcan as long as it has a tight-fitting lid. For issues, contact Dr. Nunley at or 443-615-2626.

  • Councilman Anthony Glover thanked everyone for their support in the primary election. He mentioned that he wants to work together collectively. He has a monthly newsletter and his priorities are to: hold council presidents’ meetings (there are 23 community associations in dist. 13); and listen to constituents and prioritize as desired. Councilman Glover also gave a brief summary of his background. He worked for the DPW for 16 years in many capacities and was a community liaison and crime control/prevention coordinator in the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office before running for City Council.

    • Michelle (Councilman Glover’s staff community liaison) mentioned Victim Advocacy. She also stated that a 311 request was filed to follow-up on the S Wolfe & Gough Streets handicap parking spot (it was reported that a different car is using the space and not the registered car).  Due diligence will be done. 


  • The UFPIA submitted three grant applications for $250,000 for traffic calming, tree bed fencing, UFPIA street signs, storm drain art, after school programming at Wolfe St. Academy, lighting/camera maintenance, bicycle maintenance stations, and emergency services training. Results are expected in June.

  • City Council:

    • The DOT, DPW, Mayor’s Office, District 1 office, and UFP neighbors walk – Problem areas were noted, prioritizing care for neighbors and some trash was removed. Action items will involve Homeless Services, DPW, Code Enforcement; and educating neighborhood business owners. These walks may be held on a frequent basis, such as every 6 months.

    • The May Primary Election Results are:

      • Council President-Zeke Cohen;

      • Dist. 13 Council – Anthonio Glover;

      • Neighboring districts - District 1: Mark Parker; District 12: too close to call

Officer Reports

The Treasurer’s report was given.

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn -

  • Sip & Plant Swap and Cycle Tour on April 28th was successful and a fun event.

  • Clean-ups to begin on Saturdays starting with June 22nd from 9-11am (Self-motivated clean-ups also are encouraged)

  • Dumpster Day: June 15th

Community Garden

Jan Mooney -

  • August 17th: Honey Happy Hour 4-6pm

  • October 12th: Oktoberfest 4-7pm

  • Reminder: Non-gardener social membership: $10 in addition to UFPIA membership

  • When doing your Spring planting - plant for pollinators (flowers high in nectar and pollen)


Latonya Watson -

  • Wolfest was successful and a fun event! UFPIA hosted a table for kids to paint rocks.

  • Upcoming child friendly summer activities - Contact Latonya for more information

    • Maryland Fleet Week - June 12 -

    • STEAM experience -

    • Cadet Martial Arts -

    • Robotics camp

    • Instrument Classes 

    • Young Filmmakers Camp 




  • Heidi Weiss-Bede

    • Thank you for supporting Wolfest

    • International Day Festival - May 25th: 11am-2pm at WSA

    • Happy to collaborate 


Lisa Knickmeyer -

  • Progressive Dinner – tentatively set for early November but open to another time. Let Lisa know your thoughts/preference.

  • Reminder to become UFPIA members and support the Organization; allows you to vote too.

  • Dumpster Day - generates funds due to metal recycling so save your metal items for those.

  • Asking residents on Regester St. if they will maintain planters or otherwise will be relocated

    • Some troughs have been moved 

    • Other planters available for sale

    • Another plug for native plants and Herring Run Nursery!


Mark Hoffmann -

  • The LU Committee meets monthly at the Julie Community Center and incorporates the Safety and Traffic & Parking Committees; next meeting is on June 10th.

  • Sweet Carolina Liquors is not in compliance with their MOU; met with owner to discuss this violation.

    • MOU is attached to his liquor license; gave opportunity to comply

    • Must be in compliance by May 27th

Safety (sub-committee)

Dan Harrison -

  • All 15 cameras installed or to be installed by the end of June.

  • Camera footage given to detective for a recent robbery at Royal Farms

    • Access granted by Ben and Dan

  • Reminder - Monthly camera access report is included in the newsletter and on our website

  • Next year role is to support current installations

  • National Night Out - August 6th

    • NNO planning meeting scheduled for May 22nd

    • Contact Dan if interested in planning or being involved 


Jan Mooney -

  • New ads in the newsletter:

    • Keystone Korner Baltimore - have great music and food

    • The World Trade Center Institute is looking for homestays for Human Rights Activists from Belarus who will be coming to Baltimore July 12-20.

      • A UFPIA member stated that she had provided a homestay and highly recommended it.

    • Also, Canton Kayak Club, Spa Adagio and XPF Fitness also have specials. 

    • See their ads for more details.  

  • Reminder to support our sponsors - they support us, great to support them in return and their ads offset the cost of printing our newsletters.

  • Deadline for June is the 2nd at 5pm.

Traffic & Parking

Parker Bratton -

  • Planning to walk around and get a sense of parking needs

  • Under consideration:

    • Resident permit parking

    • Adding parking space lines

New Business

Tyla: removal of low hanging wires 

Meeting adjourned.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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