November 2020 Community Meeting Recap

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here.

Guest Speakers

Department of Public Works—Recycling

Kristyn Oldendorf, Waste Reduction and Operations Coordinator at the Dept. of Public Works, Bureau of Solid Waste, discussed the Department's recycling program and properly recycling materials. Larry Nunley, the SE Liaison for the Department of Public Works, also joined the discussion.

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Mary Urban and Dr. Roseanne McTyre discussed the emissions levels and impact on air quality from Wheelabrator’s incinerator (Bresco), which burns the City’s trash

  • The City’s landfill processes 2,250 tons of trash each day

  • Wheelabrator is to spend $39.9M to install filter fabric bag houses and scrubbers

Committee Reports


  1. Two more recycling only dumpsters—11/28 and 12/12 (Gough St. side of Wolfe St. Academy from 8am-Noon or when full) and one cleanup also on 12/12

  2. Hope to have the Neighborhood Design Center as speaker at our January meeting to discuss the Lady Day Way (200 S Durham-Billie Holiday) spruce-up project

  3. Tree Pit Mosaic Medallion project is done (20 in total); will install them in the spring, with 18 in prime locations

  4. Tree stumps; new pits, expansion of pits—if there are any near you, contact Lisa at

Community Garden

Still have tote bags, UFP glasses and notecards for sale—great gift idea! Contact Jan at


  1. UFPIA members Joshua Espinoza and Erik Franklin at starting music academy for piano and guitar lessons for students of all ages; lessons at the Julie Community Center start in late January; see their ad on our website

  2. Fells Point Corner Theatre has a new monthly donor program

  3. Water for Chocolate now has a pickup window. They are offering a pre fixe dinner option too.

  4. Many of our sponsors and local businesses are struggling, and many offer gift cards. Please support them!


Need cloth bags for books for Commodore John Rodgers School; text Suzanne at 443-850-6675 for drop-off details.


  1. Tasha will be resigning as chair at the end of year

  2. Need someone to take over as chair (Tasha will still be available for assistance)

  3. If interested, contact Liz at

Land Use

  1. The City’s Department of Planning provided information on how UFPIA can develop a master plan that they will accept, but they will not develop the plan.

  2. 606 S Ann St (former Enoch Pratt Library is included in the Department of Housing and Community Development’s Fall RFP

  3. Carolina’s Tex-Mex (500 S. Wolfe) received a $100 fine for leaving the door open with loud music playing on two separate occasions in August

  4. The old Canela Cafe is still under construction; the manager is trying to determine how to open during the COVID-19 pandemic


  1. Still seeking block captains; contact Matt at

  2. If you have a security camera and would like to register it with the UFPIA, contact Matt at

  3. Keep your stoop light on! If you need a dusk-to-dawn light bulb for your stoop, contact Jan at (bulbs are free)

  4. Help your senior neighbors (cleanup leaves, shovel snow, check on them, etc.)

Traffic & Parking

  1. Dept. of Transportation is collecting information on Slow Streets program; take the survey - (also on FB, ND and Twitter)

  2. Still no response on traffic calming measures on S Wolfe and S Washington

  3. Still waiting on resolution on 104 S Ann loading zone (truck zone was eliminated but stripping is still on the street, so the City is still giving out tickets even though not a truck zone anymore)

  4. Please sweep up leaves/trash in front of your house; they clog the storm drains and make walking hazardous and can cause flooding

New Business

  1. Suzanne Bailey - discussed issues regarding leaving trash out if a holiday (i.e. Veterans Day), proper trash receptacles and trash placement

    1. All trash is required to be in a can with a tight fitting lid

    2. Rats will chew through plastic bags

    3. Larry Nunley suggested contacting 311; get the confirmation number and send him that with a photo ( or text 443-615-2626)

    4. Fine is $50

  2. Newest BLLC Guidance for COVID restrictions at:

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