November 2024 Community Meeting Recap
Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to
Hybrid Meeting
Guest Speakers
1) Shamir Cole-Butler, the Residential Permit Parking (RPP) Manager at the Parking Authority was originally scheduled as our guest speaker but he was unable to attend. UFPIA President, Ben Miller, briefly discussed the topic. However, there were too many unanswered questions so the discussion was ended and will be continued at a future date. (Also see Votes section below.)
2) Ross Seidman, Senior Advisor in Senator Ferguson’s office, led a discussion regarding continual issues at the BGE Substation of loitering, public urination, public intoxication, illegal dumping, etc.. The MD Dept. of Taxation and Assessment confirmed that BGE is not tax-exempt and is being charged property tax. (Note: All of BGE properties are taxed under one address. Also, the City Council is currently discussing taxing vacant properties at a higher rate. If legislation passes on this and BGE fits the definition used in the legislation then they will be taxed at a higher rate.) In addition, Senator Ferguson’s office is working with several agencies and will follow-up with neighbors.
According to Brittany Jones, BGE Exterior Affairs, the long-term plan for the property is to remain a non-functioning substation in case it’s needed in the future. No environmental hazards have been found. Baltimore Police Dept. officers are to patrol the area at least once every shift and issue citations if appropriate. Trash is to be picked up at least once a week. UFP residents requested that more lighting be added to the streets and not the building and to beautify the property such as adding fencing or a mural. Ms. Jones stated that BGE is willing to work with the UFPIA and come to a future meeting. To contact Ms. Jones directly - or 443-683-0888.
Community Meeting Time: Moving the UFPIA meetings from the third Monday to the third Tuesday or to the second Monday of the month was discussed. (See Votes section below.)
Summary of 311 Requests for UFP: For the period Oct. 22-Nov. 14 the majority of complaints were about parking and 48-hr parking, and trash.
The Treasurer’s report was given. (Note: We will be discussing the proposed budget for 2025 at the January meeting.)
To postpone the discussion on residential permit parking and provide a future communication with answers to some of the questions; motion passed.
To move the UFPIA General Committee Meetings from the third Monday to the second Monday starting in January 2025; motion passed.
To be able to spend up to $400 to hold a Winter Wander event in December; motion passed (See New Business section below.)
Committee Reports
Mallory Kuehn -
Tuesday cleanups suspended due to daylight savings time
Last cleanup: Saturday, December 7th from 9-11am
Will be doing tree pruning early next yr.
Contact Mallory if you’d like to lead your own cleanup
Community Garden
Jan Mooney -
On Nov. 2nd built 20 raised bed boxes; to build 8 more and add soil next year (Note: Boxes were falling apart or rotten and are required by Baltimore Green Space, who owns the property.)
Latonya Watson -
Wolfe St. Academy gift giveaway: Volunteers needed to sponsor students; no set dollar amount. Contact Heidi at WSA to help.
Wolfe St. Academy and Commodore John Rogers still need coats (sizes 5-14) and other supplies. Donations can be dropped off on school days from 7:30-3:30 or contact Tiffany Long at 410-396-9140 or (Donors will receive a tax receipt.)
The Commodore John Rogers (CJR) School needs: backpacks, pencils, erasers, reusable water bottles with closed top and spiral and composition notebooks for individual students. Also needed are hand sanitizer, gallon size Ziploc bags and black dry erase markers for classroom shared materials; to donate, contact Mr. Batson at 410-396-9300.
Lisa Knickmeyer -
Progressive Dinner was a big hit - over 70 attendees, 9 hosts and 20+ who provided food and raised almost $3,000. Thanks to everyone who attended and to our hosts.
Contact Lisa if you’d like to get involved moving forward.
Beth Russo -
The garage door at 243 S Durham has been painted.
A survey was completed.
Mark Hoffmann -
Sweet Carolina Liquors MOU: They are not following their MOU; UFPIA can protest their license if they do not meet requirements of their MOU by March 2025.
Next committee meeting: December 9th at 7 PM at the Julie Community Center.
Safety (sub-committee)
Dan Harrison -
The camera installations are complete and there is one lighting installation still remaining; would ideally like to install at a business; contact Dan with suggestions.
If interested in participating in Citizens on Patrol (COP) walks, contact Dan.
Attended Commander’s Meeting: discussed issues with Regester St/ BGE substation (Also see Guest Speakers section above.)
Jan Mooney -
Reminder there is no meeting or newsletter in Dec.
Deadline for Jan. newsletter changed to Dec. 28th due to meeting day change.
Traffic & Parking
Parker Bratton -
Cranksgiving bicycle ride/food scavenger hunt to be held on Nov. 23rd. Team UFPIA will be participating; collected food items will be donated to Moveable Feast.
Bill Miltenberger requested up to $400 to hold a Winter Wander event in December. There would be snacks/beverages, prizes and a scavenger hunt (See Votes section above.)
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.