October 2021 Community Meeting Recap

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to Lynnie at secretary@upperfellspoint.org.

Hybrid Meeting

Guest Speakers

  • David Holmes, Lion Share Partners, LLC
    Presented plan for North side of 1900 block of E Baltimore.

  • Project is located outside our boundaries and the developer is not asking for anything, just wants to share information (was previously approved by the City) 

    • 283 Units -> 300 Units though no additional space

    • Design perspectives discussed

    • Plans here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dFr2xSmm8ZFYKkFIKwbVwczAlhGV_QAj/view?usp=sharing

    • Parking Garage is embedded in the building - Garage expanded for 1 parking space for each unit (300 parking spaces + handicap = approx 320)

    • Amenities will be added (such as package receiving area, conference room, fitness center)

    • Planning Commission Hearing in Mid-November

    • “Minor Amendment” - Will not need a design review because of only minor changes for extra units

    • Construction to start next summer - takes at least 14-16 months

    • Parking structure - Texas Donut - it is in the center so you most likely can park near your apartment door (5-story parking)

      • Not decided if parking will be included in the rent

    • Average square footage and price point - 500sq. Still working through pricing - wants less than $1,500/mo

    • Courtyard 84x66 (about ⅓ of Ann/Regester Parking Lot)

    • Motion - To write a letter of support (they said they don’t need the support - but they appreciate it. If anything just let the planning department know they visited us)

Broadway Corridor Initiative- Joshua Espinoza gave an update about the project and plans. 

  • Group of community members to discuss ways to help improve the corridor economically and socially. 

    • In process: facade improvements along 200 block of Broadway; installation of pocket chess tables at Broadway/Baltimore; cafe lights initiatives

    • 6 months DPW has been cleaning from Eastern to Fairmount. 

    • Dr. Lindsey Thompson & City Labs have committed a project from their students to ‘study’ the corridor and make sure the entire community is incorporated in this project and has their voices heard. 

    • More at bmorebroadway.com

    • Meetings 4th Tuesday at 7pm of every month

    • Funding - Volunteer based right now through stakeholders and possible grant writing

Committee Reports


Mallory Kuehn—beautification@upperfellspoint.org

  • 3 Clean-ups in the month of October

  • Dumpster Day November 6th

  • Tuesday night clean ups have been well attended - will continue until cold or lack of attendance ends them for the Winter

  • Trees are coming in the fall (TBD)r 

  • If you would like a Spring planting team, please contact beautification@upperfellspoint.org

  • Green Team will start in Spring

  • Recycle Cart Update: Recycling Carts are slated to be distributed in December/January. Please fill out this 311 request to opt for a smaller lidded can: https://balt311.baltimorecity.gov/citizen/request/RECLCART/location 


Bill Miltenberger

Sip & Stroll on Oct. 16th went well; thanks to all who attended and to our hosts.

Traffic & Parking

Kurt Schiller - trafficparking@upperfellspoint.org

  • Art in the Right of Way - Documents are being compiled for application. 

    • Next step: Engineers will look over plans 

    • Traffic light pole at E Pratt & S Wolfe (October 9th) - bottom of pole rusted out; dangerous situation; thank you to neighbors who put the cones out to redirect traffic

      • Email was sent to DOT and Councilman’s office on October 11th for a contingency plan; DOT or Councilman’s office has not responded. 

      • Iris Schauerman will look at what is on file and reach out to DOT on 10/19

    • Bike Party Halloween Ride on Oct. 29th (Meet at 6:30 at St. Mary’s Park-600 N Paca); 20 mile ride


Matt Barnes—safety@upperfellspoint.org

  • Committee Meeting Tuesday Oct. 26th 7pm 

  • George Croom -  volunteered to help with flyer creation

  • We have money to give for neighborhood cafe lights - contact Matt if interested

New Business

  • Suzanne Bailey: How are speakers decided since they have been suggested? A: Decided at the Board Meetings; this month Bill chose the speaker since he was contacted by Mr. Holmes (no response received from other possible speakers that were previously contacted).  

    • Suggestion for speakers - SE CDC, Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition, Creative Alliance, Polish Hall, SE Police District, SAO community liaison, Esperanza Center (status after fire), McElderry Park.

  • Everyone is welcome to attend the Board meetings.

  • Lisa Knickmeyer: For 200 Block of South Durham - Grant Proposal called Baltimore National Heritage Area Neighborhood Placemaking Grant. Workshop October 26th. To see if ideas from Baltimore Design Center could be possible/qualify for this grant. 13 plaques for the history of Billie Holiday’s life and playlist of some of her more popular songs. Will present more on this in November

  • Kristen Reek (via email) - Baltimore received $640M from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA aka the COVID bill from March 2021) and the Mayor set up an office of recovery to oversee and implement the funding. Asking for community input on priorities and ideas for projects: https://arp.baltimorecity.gov/we-want-to-hear-from-you

  • Tom K. won the 50/50 raffle; $16 to the general fund

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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