January 2022 Community Meeting Recap

There was no meeting or newsletter in December.

Note: Any changes to the minutes should be directed to Lynnie at secretary@upperfellspoint.org.

Virtual Meeting

Misc News

Powell Recovery Center

  • Substance abuse treatment center is going through an expansion on the 100 block of Broadway and the surrounding area.

Changes in DPW Recycling Schedule 

  • Recycling to be picked up every other week - none on 1/21 - next one is 1/28 (this is temporary)

  • Everyone was urged to communicate this information to all residents  

    • Talk to your neighbors

    • Post signs on utility pole - Wendy Kalen, Chris Moad, and Mallory Kuehn to handle

    • Post on your block’s Facebook page 

  • Councilman Cohen’s office and DPW have been working overtime to get the collections done.

Funding for Cafe lighting

  • Projects are on HOLD - requested by Council Member until court case is resolved; however, blocks are encouraged to continue organizing.

UFPIA Meeting Location

  • Discussion: To change the community meeting night to the 3rd Monday at 7pm for a 4-month trial period with in-person at the Ministry of Brewing as well as virtually

  • Will take another vote in 4 months to decide whether or not to make it permanent

  • Suggested that the next 4 meetings be recorded

  • Motion - Change the community meeting night to the 3rd Monday of the month at 7pm for the next 4 months to be held in-person at Ministry of Brewing and virtually

  • Voting held via an online form; Motion passed

    • Next meeting will be held on 2/21 virtually and at Ministry of Brewing at 1900 E Lombard

    • Note: Ministry of Brewing is closed to the public on Mondays but will be open for us; the bar also will be open.

Reminder to pay your membership dues

  • Pay via our website or PayPal

  • If paying via PayPal, send as friends and family (not as a service) so there are no extra fees

Guest Speaker - Kurt Schiller, Chair of Traffic & Parking

  • Kurt presented the bikeway corridor concepts for Wolfe and Washington Streets and the UFPIA’s T&P Committee’s proposal:

    • Using the Baltimore Complete Streets Manual, which the UFPIA membership voted to support at the Sept. 2017 meeting, the Traffic and Parking Committee recommended a single-track bike lane on both Washington and Wolfe Streets. With the recommendations being made by the Committee (see the diagrams) there will be NO LOSS OF PARKING, most likely a net gain of parking.

      • The Washington/Wolfe Streets by description/definition in the Complete Streets Manual would fall under Urban Village Neighborhood Streets or Neighborhood Corridor.  These streets are adjacent to residential dwellings and play an essential role in moving people between neighborhoods.

      • These roads should have targeted speeds of 15 -20 MPH.

      • The traffic signals on the Wolfe/Washington Streets bikeway should be turned into 4-way flashing red to slow the speed of vehicles.

      • The Wolfe/Washington Streets bikeway intersections should have bump outs which would reduce the amount of open roadway space that is necessary for pedestrians to cross.

      • This proposal is our best opportunity to influence the process at DOT even though it may not be approved by the City.

  • With the growing size of vehicles and American’s preference for SUV or trucks, passenger and driver deaths have remained stable over the last decade while pedestrian fatalities have risen by about 50%.

  • Q&A: 

    • What would be the traffic safety if we took out additional street lights?

      • Flashing red in all directions might help awareness with motorists. We will default to DOTs engineers for the best options.

    • What is the plan to address the major artery change? Has the city weighed in on the concerns with ambulances/emergency vehicles?

      • DOT picked these lanes. 

      • The UFPIA’s T&P Committee proposed Wolfe as one of the options and the drawings shown are the latest proposal.

  • Motion - To agree with the proposal presented by the T&P Committee above but with the addition of flex posts or some type of barrier by the bike lanes.

  • Voting held via online form; Motion passed 

  • Kurt S. also mentioned that electric vehicle charging stations will be installed in the 400 block of S Patterson Park for 4 vehicles (on the Park side); no word on actual installation date

230 WOLFE STREET-  Shane Gerken, developer

  • Development includes 228 + 230 + 232 S. Wolfe St. into a single building with ground-level parking

  • Vehicles enter/exit on S Wolfe and also on S Durham

  • 12 units: ten 1-bedroom; one 2-bedroom and one studio 

  • Rent at $1,500/mo.

  • Q&A

    • Concern about noise from vehicles exiting or blocking traffic on S Durham

      • Workers would not block street and would park in building

    • Will facades be maintained?

      • Working with the City to follow relevant regulations regarding preserving historic buildings

    • Trash and recycling storage?

      • Will be stored in the garage

    • Parking for each unit?

      • There will be 8 spots for the 12 units

    • Is this luxury housing?

      • Wouldn’t describe them as luxury, but said the fixtures would not be contractor-grade

    • Is there a 3-foot bump out?

      • No plans to work outside of the existing footprint, any variance would be to make space for steps

    • Who will manage the building once it’s completed?

      • Shane G. and his wife will own the building but it will be managed by East Coast Management Co. 


  • Matt B. resigned from Chair of the Safety Committee; if interested in this, contact Bill

  • George Croom is now the Education Chair

    • Introduced himself and thanked Barbara and Mollie F. for their work over the years

    • Looking for tutors to help at Wolfe St. Academy

      • Once/week; work with 1-2 kids

    • Also looking for healthcare professionals

    • Almost all the students are below the poverty line getting 3 meals/day; school is 83% Latinex


  • Possible UFPIA lifetime membership

  • Committee projects planned for this year/budget/volunteer opportunities

  • Volunteer(s) to assist with technology for future meetings

  • Events planning

  • Cafe lighting

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended UFPIA sponsored events/activities per our Meeting & Voting Regulations.

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