Traffic and Parking News

Proposed Bikeway on Wolfe and Washington

The UFPIA’s Traffic & Parking Committee will present their recommendation for the Wolfe/Washington Bikeway at the January 18th community meeting.

Using the Baltimore Complete Streets Manual, which the UFPIA membership voted to support at the Sept. 2017 meeting, the Traffic and Parking Committee recommends a single-track bike lane on both Washington and Wolfe Streets. With the recommendations being made by the Committee (see the diagrams) there will be NO LOSS OF PARKING, most likely a net gain of parking.

  • The Washington/Wolfe Streets by description/definition in the Complete Streets Manual would fall under Urban Village Neighborhood Streets or Neighborhood Corridor.  These streets are adjacent to residential dwellings and play an essential role in moving people between neighborhoods.

  • These roads should have targeted speeds of 15 -20 MPH.

  • The traffic signals on the Wolfe/Washington Streets bikeway should be turned into 4-way flashing red to slow the speed of vehicles.

  • The Wolfe/Washington Streets bikeway intersections should have bump outs which would reduce the amount of open roadway space that is necessary for pedestrians to cross.

With the growing size of vehicles and American’s preference for SUV or trucks, passenger and driver deaths have remained stable over the last decade while pedestrian fatalities have risen by about 50%.

To vote on issues at a meeting, you must have paid your current dues (based on calendar year beginning in January), attended 2 of the preceding 11 meetings, live in our boundaries and be age 18 and/or attended Association sponsored events/activities.